How to set up date and time on your iMapper
Only for iMappers sent after August 2023
On a computer, create a .txt file on the SD card
Rename it forcetime.txt
Put the SD card into the iMapper
Start the iMapper, it takes the date and time of the creation of the forcetime.txt file and suppress the forcetime.txt file
Check the next scans date when you import it on the iMapper platform, it should be the right date.
On a computer, create a .txt file on the SD card
Rename it forcetime.txt
Put the SD card into the iMapper
Start the iMapper, it takes the date and time of the creation of the forcetime.txt file and suppress the forcetime.txt file
Check the next scans date when you import it on the iMapper platform, it should be the right date.
Updated on: 22/07/2024
Thank you!